

本文于 2020-07-14 04:07 更新,已是最新版。

1 影响:


2 可以概括为:

The OCA criteria may encapsulate into: (a) labor mobility, (b) openness


3 有大量且不断增长的文献研究了…:

There is a large and growing body of literature that studies…

4 …的本质是…

Given that the essence of the EMU is to create “a union of individual freedom and collective respect

5 在…的框架内

within the framework of the OCA theory.

6 即 (=i.e.)


These indicators constitute 2 economic freedom pillars, namely: (a) rule of law (sub-indicators i – iii), (b) government size.

这些指标构成了2个经济自由支柱,即:(a)法治(子指标i – iii)、(b)政府规模

7 表现出,显示出(…的趋势等),呈现出

only Austria, Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, and Malta exhibit increase.


8 值得注意的是

Notable is the fact that

9 排除了…(的可能性)

it rules out the possibility that the economies under consideration may form convergence clubs

10 通常来说

Customarily, such a selection is made under the rule of dropping the statistically insignificant coefficients.

11 然而

Yet, during the sub-period 2008-2017 it comes that, on average, the Eurozone countries exhibit a statistically
non-significant trend of divergence.


12 无论…

It comes that irrespective of the estimation technique (i.e. unconditional β-convergence or convergence clubs), two contrasting trends may record comparing the results for the sub-periods 2001-2008 and 2008-2017.


13 截然相反的结果

two contrasting trends may record comparing the results for the sub-periods 2001-2008 and 2008-2017.

与此相反:In contrast,

14 特别是,

Particularly, for sub-period 2001-2008 the Eurozone countries exhibit, on average, a statistically
significant trend of convergence (at the level of either 10% or 1%) and form one convergence club, converging to “leading” country.

15 相互之间

Inter se

Inter se (also styled as inter sese) is a Legal Latin phrase that means “among or between themselves”. The phrase is “used to distinguish rights or duties between two or more parties from their rights or duties to others.” For example, “The constitutional documents of a company constitute a contract between the company and its shareholders, and between the shareholders inter se.” In Australian constitutional law, it refers to matters concerning a dispute between the Commonwealth and one or more of the states concerning the extents of their respective powers.

Inter se(也称为 inter sese)是法律上使用的拉丁语短语,意思是“彼此之间”。 该短语“用于区分两个或多个参与方之间的权利或义务与他们对他人的权利或义务”。 例如,“公司的章程文件构成了公司与其股东之间以及股东之间的合同。” 在澳大利亚宪法中,它指的是与英联邦和一个或多个州之间关于各自权力范围的争端有关的事项。

the shareholders inter se. 股东之间

16 总的来说

Overall, it comes that…

Overall, it comes that the trend revealed for the period 2001-2017 is, in fact, the balance between the
opposite trends revealed for the sub-periods 2001-2008 and 2008-2017.


17 显然,

Apparently, this seems to be an adverse impact of the world-wide financial and economic crisis that seems to dissociate the Eurozone reality from the broad perspective of the OCA theory.


18 结论有三方面

The conclusions are threefold.

19 集中于…上

centre on…

Much of the research has initially centred on cross-country patterns and trends.


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