
雅思口语 Part 2 Describe a bus or train station in your city.

本文于 2021-07-03 14:18 更新,已是最新版。

Describe a bus or train station in your city.

You should say:

where it is
what types of transportation are available there
how you can go there
and explain why people use this station.


I just love travelling by trains, as opposed to travelling by bus, and luckily there is a nice and large train station in the city where I live. So, I guess that I will go ahead and talk about that train station.

我只是喜欢乘火车旅行,而不是乘公共汽车旅行,幸运的是,我住的城市有一个漂亮的大火车站。 所以,我想我会继续谈谈那个火车站。

This nice and large train station is located at the centre of my home town that has a very huge empty space on its both sides in order to ensure a smooth flow of traffics and passengers from both directions. Next to those huge empty spaces and adjacent to the actual rail station, where passengers board their trains, a few nice and large, 2-storey buildings are standing where a large number of officials can be seen doing different kinds of station related jobs and activities.

这个漂亮又大的火车站位于我家乡的中心,两侧有非常大的空地,以确保两个方向的交通和乘客的顺畅流动。 在那些巨大的空地旁边,靠近真正的火车站,乘客在那里登上火车,几座漂亮的大型两层楼建筑矗立在那里,可以看到大量官员在做各种与车站相关的工作和活动。

At the ground floors of those buildings, mostly ticket selling agents and staffs can be seen busy in selling train tickets to their customers and serving their other needs. Next to one of those large office buildings, there is a huge storage place which is used to keep different kinds of consumer products to carry them in the trains. Both passenger carrying trains and consumer products carrying trains come to this station to serve all kinds of transportation needs of its customers from one part of the country to another part.

在这些建筑物的底层,可以看到大多数售票代理和工作人员正忙于向客户出售火车票并满足他们的其他需求。 在其中一座大型办公楼旁边,有一个巨大的储藏室,用来存放各种消费品,以便在火车上携带它们。 客运列车和消费产品列车都来到这个车站,服务于客户从一个地方到另一个地方的各种运输需求。

Anyway, since this train station is conveniently located in the centre of the city, it is connected through all kinds of roads and streets, and as such, people can easily come to this station by using all kinds of vehicles, big or small.


Well, people use this train station to catch their trains in order to travel to different parts of my country rather easily and affordably. Some people use this train station also because it is really easy and convenient to transport their belongings from one place to another by using its train services. Finally, some people come to this train station to see off or welcome their friends and family.

人们使用这个火车站搭乘火车,以便轻松且经济地前往我国的不同地区。 有些人使用这个火车站也是因为使用它的火车服务将他们的物品从一个地方运送到另一个地方真的很容易和方便。 最后,有些人来到这个火车站送行或欢迎他们的朋友和家人。

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