鉴于之前本站的域名 runofthemill.cn 过于冗长难记,本站自即日起正式启用全新域名 ppwq.net ,含义是“平平无奇”的中文拼音的首字母集合ppwq。新域名作为本站唯一域名,简洁直观,易于记忆,符合中文拼写法则,更适合中国用户。同时,本站不再保留原有域名 runofthemill.cn ,原域名已停用。
本站原有域名来源于“平平无奇”的英文翻译“Run-of-the-mill”的全拼,由于是来源于英文俗语,故记忆起来比较麻烦,过于冗长。因此,本站今后将主推新域名 ppwq.net 作为唯一域名。请您惠存新网址!
Annex: What does run-off-the-mill mean?
Something that is run-of-the-mill is a common, everyday, ordinary item that does not stand out from the rest. Something or someone that is “run-of-the-mill” is probably not notable. The phrase “run of the mill” appears to have originated from early factory quality control and described work that had not been graded and was therefore unlikely to be either exceptionally good or exceptionally bad.
From: Cresswell, Julia (2010). Oxford Dictionary of Word Origins. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 375. ISBN 9780199547937.