
Avoiding Unintentional Plagiarism

本文于 2019-09-05 03:35 更新,已是最新版。

Steps to success in referencing.

  1. Maybe you do not intend to plagiarize(抄袭).
  • Plagiarism is:
  • Using someone else’s words directly without accurately acknowledging their authorship.
  • Using ideas from someone else’s work without accurately acknowledging(确认,承认) their source.
  • Colluding(串通) with another student to produce the same or similar work.
  • (4)   Passing off(冒充) someone else’s original work as your own.
  • Maybe you are unsure about unintentional plagiarism.

For example:

  • Do not know Where did that perfect quote come from.
  • Do not know if it was your own idea or someone else’s.
  • Be confused about what need to be referenced in your assignment.
  • Also, if you use references to replace your idea and pose to supporting your own thinking, you can be risk of poor academic practice. Poor academic practice is:
  • Relies too heavily on one or two sources.
  • Includes too many words from other people.
  • Paraphrases too close to the original text.
  • Plagiarism and poor practice have penalties.
  • To avoid unintentional plagiarism:
  • Read your feedback carefully. (You can ask your tutor or your study advisor for help)
  • Develop good note-making practices.
  • Find out when you need to use a citation(引用).
  • Understand how to use references to support your discussion, not replace it.
  • Summary:

You need to treat reference seriously, but if you have good study practices, such as accurate note-making, knowing why and when to reference, and following your referencing guide consistently, you have no worries about unintentional plagiarism.

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